I am so excited to announce this upcoming event: the first lecture Women in Mathematics in Finland. I organised the seminar as national coordinator for European Women in Mathematics, since we discussed with the local members that we needed our local network to be more active. Visibility for women in mathematics is much needed in Finland, […]
Month: October 2015
Giving more visibility to minorities in mathematics: practical guidelines

Inspired by the recent paper Addressing the underrepresentation of women in mathematics conferences by Greg Martin, I decided to create a short and practical "to-do" list for conference organisers. This list does not apply to the specific field of mathematics, nor to women only. It's all good to involve all minorities, in any field. Take […]
How to survive grad school: event at HY

Do not miss the upcoming event I have helped organising! How to survive grad school was organised jointly with the Association of Doctoral Students at the University of Helsinki and sponsored by the Doctoral School in Natural Sciences. I gathered five professors, one for each department, to give undergrad and postgrad students the chance to […]
Coding coding coding

Despite the confusing title, in the past days I have been coding. A lot. Even though I am dying to leak information about what exactly I am working on, I still need to wait few weeks to reveal. I thought anyway to write something about programming from the perspective of an applied mathematician. Research forces you […]