After a shamefully long silence, here I am back posting in my blog. In the past months a lot has happened in my professional and personal life. Let's start from the latter.
Two months ago my family grew and we welcomed a lovely 20 month old boy. After a frustrating three year process, we travelled to India and met our wonderful son. The last intense steps, planning the trip, and adapting to the new situation all together took a toll on my free time in the past few months.
Before that, work stole my time (and energies). As I previously mentioned, one year ago I started working as Technical Project Manager at Relex Solutions Oy. Our main product is a complex 10 year old software, with great potential in terms of flexibility. It took few months to gain confidence with it and dive into customer projects. In addition to that, I happily took on the role of Market Technical Responsible for the Italian market. That added a dimension to the complexity of the system. I spent very exciting and intense months right before starting my parental leave.
During this long pause, I kept wondering how to manage this blog in the future. I started this with a clear goal: keeping an updated professional online profile, while writing of work-related matters. However, my working life has changed so much in the past few years and, to be frank, has shifted a lot from my core competence, which is mathematics. I will give up a coherence of topics dealt with, to keep following my working life and its evolution, in the hope of not bore anyone among my readers.