My week as curator of the Twitter channel @realscientists has just ended. It was refreshing and a lot of fun. I had the chance to review my own work from a fresh perspective and to check out old problems I didn't read about for a while. For those who don't know what Real Scientists is, I […]
Category: medical imaging
4D tomography: walkthrough of my project - part 3

Here comes the final part of the walkthrough of my current project on dynamic sparse tomography (see also part 1 and part 2). In the previous post I left the question of the choice of the cut-off function hanging. In a classical level set method, would be the Heaviside step function. The Heaviside function is […]
4D tomography: walkthrough of my project - part 2

After talking about motivation (see the first part and then part 3), I will now go into details with the mathematics foundations of the project. The novel tomography reconstruction algorithm I am contributing developing is based on a level set method approach. Level set methods A level set method is an elaborate, yet geometrically intuitive, framework to deal […]
4D tomography: walkthrough of my project - part 1

Last month the greatest event in Inverse Problems ever took place in Helsinki: the Applied Inverse Problems 2015 conference. In addition, I gave my first technical presentation at the 4D tomography minisymposium (find the slides here). I take the chance to write a series of posts as a walkthrough of my project and its current state. The project When […]
Research idealism VS real world

Have you ever had the experience of a kid who asks you a candid and simple question, that has a complicated answer? The kind of question like "Why we have so much and there are kids starving in India?", where you think "I wish the world was so simple and fair, like the spirit with […]
What if getting cancer is mostly about bad luck?

Few days ago, Science published a groundbreaking research by Tomasetti and Vogelstein from Johns Hopkins University, hinting how getting cancer is significantly a matter of bad luck (*). The authors focus on stem cells and their divisions, and by applying some statistics, show that there is a strong correlation between such repeated process and the development of cancer. […]
Mathematics and breast cancer prevention

Few days ago I came across this sad and beautiful website: The battle we didn't choose: my wife's battle with breast cancer (*) Angelo Merendino is a photographer based in Cleveland. Angelo and his wife Jennifer's story is moving: love at first sight (at least from Angelo's side :)), soon culminated to a wedding in Central […]