After a shamefully long silence, here I am back posting in my blog. In the past months a lot has happened in my professional and personal life. Let's start from the latter. Two months ago my family grew and we welcomed a lovely 20 month old boy. After a frustrating three year process, we travelled […]
Category: news
Graduated, at last

Last month I was blessed with several great news about my professional development, one of which being that my Licentiate Thesis was finally graded and approved. Now I finally have a Licence in Applied Mathematics from the University of Helsinki! The main scope of the thesis is to collect all known results about transmission eigenvalues […]
Ch- ch- changes!

I have been neglecting my blog lately as some major changes happened in my life. About three weeks ago I said goodbye to academia and started working at RELEX Solutions, a growing Finnish (& international) software company which offers automatized solutions for managing the supply chain processes. Leaving academia - after about 10 years, studying […]
Women in Mathematics in Finland: Amal Attouchi

As promised, the series of lectures continues, after the inaugural event hosted by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics of University of Helsinki. This time I'll travel to University of Jyväskylä and the guest speaker will be Amal Attouchi, local postdoctoral researcher. Amal graduated in 2014 at Université Paris XIII, with a thesis on PDEs titled […]
The man who knew infinity: a movie about Ramanujan

Thank you Youtube suggestions! Today I came across this trailer of an upcoming movie, "The man who knew infinity". The movie depicts the story of one of the finest minds of last century and one of the greatest mathematicians of all time, Srinivasa Ramanujan. He was what you'd call a true genius, an independent thinker […]
Lego stay-at-home dad: a reflection on role and hidden bias

Few days ago, Lego Group presented some new figurines which depicted a father caring for an infant baby, along with the mother in an office outfit. The goal is to “mirror the world we live in today,” Lego says. I came across the news through one of the major Italian newspaper, La Repubblica. The title, translated […]
Paula Eerola, coordinating Finnish physics research at CERN

I publish here my interview to Paula Eerola, which was originally published on the blog of our local network of women in science, Kumpula Women's Network. Since January 1st, 2016, the Helsinki Institute of Physics has a new appointed director, Prof. Paula Eerola from University of Helsinki. Paula is the 4th director of the Institute since its start of […]
Science Slam Helsinki 2015: a triumph for Inverse Problems

Last November I attended a fun event here in Helsinki: a sort of mix between science and stand-up comedy called Science Slam Helsinki. A Science Slam is a form of science communication to general audience. Each scientist gives a short talk (10-15 mins) to popularise science. Often such events are held in non-academic places, like pubs. Science […]
Live from Inverse Days 2015: baby on board

This week I did something a little crazy, dictated by necessity: I took my 2 year old girl to a conference, namely the Inverse Days in Lappeenranta. We drove from Espoo (bad idea) on Monday evening and will stay until Thursday, cutting at half day to get home not too late. Baby-wise it went much […]
Women in Mathematics in Finland: Kirsi Peltonen

I am so excited to announce this upcoming event: the first lecture Women in Mathematics in Finland. I organised the seminar as national coordinator for European Women in Mathematics, since we discussed with the local members that we needed our local network to be more active. Visibility for women in mathematics is much needed in Finland, […]