Few months ago I left my job in IT to pursue a fabulous opportunity in the humanitarian sector at Plan International. I still work as a project manager of digital projects, but with a focus on children's rights and gender equality. The last months have been so exciting and full of discoveries that they deserve […]
Category: womens rights
Secret Parenting: My Positive Experience And Tips To Improve Work-Life Balance

A couple of days ago I came across this interesting article on work-life balance by economist Emily Oster, calling out the phenomenon of secret parenting. Oster coined the definition as the unhealthy habit - often forced by the environment more than personal values - of hiding family commitments and restrictions on the workplace. In other […]
This Twitter Thread Shows Why Academia Is Yet Not Safe For Women

In 2019, academic institutions are still willing to turn a blind eye when it comes to sexual harassment. It doesn't matter if terrifying stats keep being published. No one is willing to take a serious stand. Reality is, women and men have complete different experiences of a career in academia. I never met any context […]
Being a working mother in Italy? My open letter to Ministry Valeria Fedeli

This morning the Italian national newspapers showed big letter titles about the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research Valeria Fedeli supporting the current law which forces adults to go and pick up children from school until they are 14 years old. You heard me, 13 year old kids cannot walk home by themselves. Before commenting on the matter, […]
Dear Ben Afflecks of my life

(Disclaimer: I would feel bad if this post was associated to innocent people. I've changed my workplace since the story I'm about to talk of) I've been silently following the Weinstein scandal lately, but it got too personal to shut up. The narcissistic powerful man who feels he can play with women. The community which […]
More than a mother

Here I am, barely two months into my second parental leave and I already miss going to work. Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying my time home with the kids, and I put all of myself into learning how to hide veggies into smoothies and teaching handcrafts to toddlers. However, I feel a large part of […]
Childcare at conferences: guidelines

I have been talking so much(*) about childcare at conferences that someone may think this has become a parenting blog. This post aims at summarising why organisers should offer support to parents working in academia and how exactly they can do that. Why you should do it I can give you plenty of reasons why. […]
Women in Mathematics in Finland: Amal Attouchi

As promised, the series of lectures continues, after the inaugural event hosted by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics of University of Helsinki. This time I'll travel to University of Jyväskylä and the guest speaker will be Amal Attouchi, local postdoctoral researcher. Amal graduated in 2014 at Université Paris XIII, with a thesis on PDEs titled […]
Lego stay-at-home dad: a reflection on role and hidden bias

Few days ago, Lego Group presented some new figurines which depicted a father caring for an infant baby, along with the mother in an office outfit. The goal is to “mirror the world we live in today,” Lego says. I came across the news through one of the major Italian newspaper, La Repubblica. The title, translated […]
Paula Eerola, coordinating Finnish physics research at CERN

I publish here my interview to Paula Eerola, which was originally published on the blog of our local network of women in science, Kumpula Women's Network. Since January 1st, 2016, the Helsinki Institute of Physics has a new appointed director, Prof. Paula Eerola from University of Helsinki. Paula is the 4th director of the Institute since its start of […]