I spent the past year or so accumulating nice resources for data scientists and developers, and I've decided to collect them for everyone to enjoy. If you want to get one in your feed every day during the Christmas period, make sure to follow my Twitter or my LinkedIn profile. In any case, I'll be […]
The future together

Since fall 2016, I'm a regular contributor to the magazine Yliopisto-lehti. I write columns, based on my experiences as a professional, an expat, and even simply as myself. Articles are translated and published in Finnish, but I'll be publishing a translation of my pieces in English here on my blog. The future together (originally published […]
Who changed?

Since fall 2016, I'm a regular contributor to the magazine Yliopisto-lehti. I write columns, based on my experiences as a professional, an expat, and even simply as myself. Articles are translated and published in Finnish, but I'll be publishing a translation of my pieces in English here on my blog. Who changed? (originally published on […]
Being a working mother in Italy? My open letter to Ministry Valeria Fedeli

This morning the Italian national newspapers showed big letter titles about the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research Valeria Fedeli supporting the current law which forces adults to go and pick up children from school until they are 14 years old. You heard me, 13 year old kids cannot walk home by themselves. Before commenting on the matter, […]
Dear Ben Afflecks of my life

(Disclaimer: I would feel bad if this post was associated to innocent people. I've changed my workplace since the story I'm about to talk of) I've been silently following the Weinstein scandal lately, but it got too personal to shut up. The narcissistic powerful man who feels he can play with women. The community which […]
More than a mother

Here I am, barely two months into my second parental leave and I already miss going to work. Don't get me wrong, I am enjoying my time home with the kids, and I put all of myself into learning how to hide veggies into smoothies and teaching handcrafts to toddlers. However, I feel a large part of […]
Life happened

After a shamefully long silence, here I am back posting in my blog. In the past months a lot has happened in my professional and personal life. Let's start from the latter. Two months ago my family grew and we welcomed a lovely 20 month old boy. After a frustrating three year process, we travelled […]
Graduated, at last

Last month I was blessed with several great news about my professional development, one of which being that my Licentiate Thesis was finally graded and approved. Now I finally have a Licence in Applied Mathematics from the University of Helsinki! The main scope of the thesis is to collect all known results about transmission eigenvalues […]
One book, one podcast, one video

Few months ago, I made a small resolution, to be more organised in my spare time and spend some time everyday accessing career-building and learning information. Today I want to share here three easy and beneficial resources that I have picked from my last months findings. Since I drive for something short of one hour every day, I discovered […]
My two cents on job searching in Finland

Even though I have been working in Finland for five years, last fall was the real time I first had to scan the job market for opportunities. I was worried: I was quite confident about speaking Finnish in my daily life but still terrified to have to speak it at my job. At the same […]