Upcoming talks
Nothing on the calendar at the moment. I love to give talks about:
- mathematics,
- project management,
- women in STEM, women's education,
- gender equality,
- the global digital divide.
Feel free to contact me to know more.
Transmission eigenvalues
Perspectives on Transmission Eigenvalues. Introductory talk, 27.04.2014.
Dynamic X-ray sparse tomography: 4DStom. Introductory talk at Inverse Problems course, 30.1.2015.
Four-dimensional tomography based on a level set method. Talk at AIP 2015 symposium "Reconstruction methods for 4D CT", 29.5.2015.
Four-dimensional tomography based on a level set method (improved slides - PDF version). Talk at ICIAM 2015 symposium "Mathematical solutions of industrial applications", 11.8.2015.
4D X-ray tomography based on a level set method. Talk at Meeting for Young Mathematicians in Finland 2015, 27.8.2015. [the slides contain animations and videos. I'll soon make an animated version available here]
Sparse X-ray tomography and level set methods, University of Muenster, 16.9.2015.
4D Tomography Based on a Level Set Method (new contents!), LUT, Inverse Days 2015, 9.12.2015.
Temporal regularization methods in sparse dynamic tomography, Finnish Mathematical Days 2016, session Inverse Problems II, 7.1.2016, Turku, Finland.
Time-regularization methods in sparse dynamic X-ray tomography: poster at iCT conference 2016 in Wels, Austria. Download the poster here.
The Wiener criterion for the Laplacian and the heat operator, Master Thesis, University of Bologna, 2011.
Distinguished women in Mathematics. Talk at the Students seminar, University of Helsinki, 11.09.2014.
Sofia, the girl who wanted something else. Guest lecture at Snapshots of the history of mathematics, University of Helsinki, 25.2.2015.
Mathematicians Go Hollywood, Students' Seminar, University of Helsinki, 26.11.2015.
The Nordic Paradox, gender equality in science: from issues to a solution, 21.03.2016, Helsingin tutkijanaiset ry annual meeting, Helsinki, Finland.
Time - Regularization Methods in Sparse X-ray Tomography, 7.4.2016, Inverse problems and imaging seminar, University of Manchester, UK.
From Inverse Problems to Fighting Food Waste, 27.4.2018, Working life Seminar, University of Helsinki, Finland.
Inclusive Science and Technology, 4.12.2019, Kumpula Women Christmas event, University of Helsinki, Finland.